Third Bird Shot in Spring Hunting Season

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Yet another protected bird was shot by a hunter, according to press reports.


A woman walking her dog in Mizieb found this badly injured cuckoo bird, and contacted Birdlife, according to Birdlife.

A vet who examined the bird found that its wing was irrevocably damaged and the bird would never fly again. Thus the bird unfortunately had to be put down.

This was the third reported case in nine days. The persons involved were taken to Court.

The Hunt for the Maltese Spelling Checker

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It isn’t easy to find an ideal Maltese language spell checker… the topic even graced our tv screens a few years ago.

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Local Council 2015 Results

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Today Saturday the local council votes were counted and results were announced by the DOI. Malta voted last Saturday in a Spring Hunting Referendum and Local Councils elections for a number of localities.

The PM announced a PL (Labour Party) win of 54%  (as opposed to 57% of four years ago) while PN (Nationalist Party) reduced the gap from 17% to 9%.

AD (Alternattiva Demokratika) was satisfied with its slight increase in votes in four localities and may retain its mayor in Attard.

Counting in Dingli concluded after a vote mixup was solved.


Overall counting still proceeds.

Counting Hall
Image from DOI Facebook Page

Detailed count results can be found at:

Cocktail Pasta Shells Salad Recipe

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Image CC by Maggie Hoffman

Photo is for display only, your actual recipe might not resemble the image.

Continue reading Cocktail Pasta Shells Salad Recipe

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