All posts by clyde777

Malta’s Warrior Defeated At Eurovision 2015 Semifinal

Malta’s “Warrior”, Amber, has been eliminated at the Eurovision 2015 Semifinal.
Amber represented Malta in this year’s second Eurovision semifinal. She did not make it through to the final.

On the other hand, the other “Warrior” from Georgia, Nina Sublatti, made it through. Sublatti was very angry when on a Maltese radio show someone pretended to be Amber for a practical joke on Amber.
There will be many discussions on the topic now. My opinion: just send Gianluca again.



Third Bird Shot in Spring Hunting Season

Yet another protected bird was shot by a hunter, according to press reports.


A woman walking her dog in Mizieb found this badly injured cuckoo bird, and contacted Birdlife, according to Birdlife.

A vet who examined the bird found that its wing was irrevocably damaged and the bird would never fly again. Thus the bird unfortunately had to be put down.

This was the third reported case in nine days. The persons involved were taken to Court.