Carnival in Malta at risk?

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The OPM – Office of the Prime Minister – has been warned in a letter by Carnival participants that next year’s Carnival activities may well have to be called off, unless they are granted a disused factory for use as a workshop.

This happened after Lands Office gave a notice to the participants that they would no longer be allowed to use Fort St Elmo for hosting their large floats.

Ghaqda Partecipanti tal-Karnival members said they had identified a disused government-owned factory in Marsa, being suitable for their purpose.
It was pointed out that promises of facilities or a Carnival Village have not been honoured.

It would indeed be a shame for Maltese Culture should Carnival be cancelled for this reason.

Perhaps a company could be formed by participants, using sponsorship to generate revenue for the purchase and upkeep of a special carnival factory.

Carnival 2009 Updates

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Feel like reading something new? Try Apokalupsis Webcomics from Malta

UPDATE: results are out. A large photo gallery for 2009’s Karnival is now available. Click on the SIDEBAR on the left to find the photo gallery or
just Click HERE to view the photo gallery for 2009.
I have uploaded ALL photos including photos of the carnival parade. Congratulations to Tal-Banda, this year’s winners!

The 2nd carnival parade and the grand defile in St Anne Street, Floriana were both cancelled because of bad weather, a spokesman for the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts said.

Il-Kunsill Malti ghall-Kultura u l-Arti iħabbar ir-riżultati li jidhru hawn taħt.

Il-Kunsill jirringrazzja lil kull min ha sehem fil-Karnival, lill-membri kollha tal-Korp tal-Pulizija, lill-membri tal-gurija, l-Ghaqda Partecipanti Karnival u lil kull min b’xi mod ta’ sehem fl-andament ta’ l-attivitajiet tal-Karnival ta’ din is-sena, specjalment ukoll lil pubbliku numeruz li attenda bi hgaru. Il-Kunsill ihabbar li l-Karnival ta’ Malta 2010 se jigi ccellebrat bejn il-Gimgha 12 u t-Tlieta 16 ta’ Frar, 2010.

Il-Kunsill jinforma li minhabba ragunijiet varji li ma kienx hemm kontroll fuqhom, kien kostrett li ma jiehux azzjonijiet fuq diversi nuqqasijiet li gew innotati.

Ir-riżultati huma dawn :-

KONKORS Nru 1- Karrijiet Trijonfali – Kategorija “A”

L-Ewwel Premju – “Allegretto” – Charles Briffa u Carlo Olivari Demanuele minn San Ġwann
It-Tieni Premju – “Ġennfern” – Norman Hill mill-belt Valletta
It-Tielet Premju – “Aġent sigriet, dahar dawra ma’ l-isbaħ ibliet” – Keith Farrugia mill-belt
Valletta u Silvio Ray Zerafa minn Ħal Qormi

KONKORS Nru 2 – Karrijiet Trijonfali – Kategorija “B”

L-Ewwel Premju – “Minn taħt l-art tlajt għax il-mużika smajt” – Lorry Borg u Antoine Grech minn Ħal Qormi ma’ Bronk Productions

It-Tieni Premju – “Film famuż pjanajt u ġot-tertuqa spiċċajt” – Shaun u Johnny Curmi mill-belt Valletta

It-Tielet Premju – “Bil-mużika x’allegrija, isma naqra x’nostaġija” – Charlie u Noel Briffa mill-belt Valletta

KONKORS Nru 3 – Karrijiet Trijonfali – Kategorija “C”

L-Ewwel Premju – “Allegrija u divertiment, bil-loghob u l-mużika dejjem kuntent” – Domenic u Jonathan Mangion mill-belt Valletta

It-Tieni Premju – “Bil-First qlajt u ara fejn spiċċajt” – Elton Edward Xuereb u Clint Zammit mill-belt Valletta

It-Tielet Premju:
“Fit-tielet sular inħdimt u mad-daqq tal-mużiċisti ħriġt.” – Jesmond Goodlip u Joseph Caruana mill-belt Valletta
“Ħatfuni, ħasluni …fil-Karnival ġabuni” – Etienne Galea u Francios Bartolo mill-Furjana

KONKORS Nru 4 – Maskeruni (Maskri Grotteski)

L-Ewwel Premju – “Fil-Eurovison ibbrillajna, u bil-Monument iċċelebrajna” – Sandro Spiteri mill-Ħamrun

It-Tieni Premju – “B’qima differenti, xorta niġbdu s-sentimenti” – Lawrence Coleiro mill-Furjana

It-Tielet Premju – “Mill-leġġendi sibnijhom u fil-Karnival gawdejnihom” – Costantino u Nicholas
Gouder mill-belt Valletta

KONKORS Nru 5- Kumpaniji bil-Kostum (Tfal) Kategorija “C”

Konkors 5a. KOSTUM

L-Ewwel Premju – “Russi u Pirati, flimkien għall-Karnival Malti” – Doris u Tonio Scerri, mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tieni Premju – “Russi u Griegi għaqqadnihom, mal-Franċiżi żeffinihom” – Jackie u Doris Armeni, mill-Belt Valletta.

Konkors 5b. KARRU

L-Ewwel Premju – “Russi u Pirati, flimkien għall-Karnival Malti” – Doris u Tonio Scerri, mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tieni Premju – “Russi u Griegi għaqqadnihom, mal-Franċiżi żeffinihom” – Jackie u Doris Armeni, mill-Belt Valletta.

Konkors 5c. ŻIFNA

L-Ewwel Premju – “Russi u Griegi għaqqadnihom, mal-Franċiżi żeffinihom” – Jackie u Doris Armeni, mill-Belt Valletta.
It-Tieni Premju “Russi u Pirati, flimkien għall-Karnival Malti” – Doris u Tonio Scerri, mill-Belt Valletta.

KONKORS Nru 6 – Kumpanija bil- Kostum – Kategorija “B”

Konkors 6a. KOSTUM

L-Ewwel Premju – “Just married” – Anton Caruana u Sharon Curmi, mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tieni Premju – “Kavallieri Zodjakali, jikkumbattu f’battalja Oroskopali” – Paul Chircop u Chris Aquilina mill- belt Valletta, ma’ l-għaqda mużikali Aniċi, minn Ħal Qormi.

It-Tielet Premju – “Minn ġol-ġungla u l-foresta, spiċċajna f’din il-festa” – Stephen u Jonathan Bondin, mill-Belt Valletta.

Konkors 6b. ŻIFNA

L-Ewwel Premju – “Just married” – Anton Caruana u Sharon Curmi, mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tieni Premju- “Minn ġol-ġungla u l-foresta, spiċċajna f’din il-festa” – Stephen u Jonathan Bondin, mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tielet Premju:

“Kavallieri Zodjakali, jikkumbattu f’battalja Oroskopali” – Paul Chircop u Chris Aquilinamill- belt Valletta, ma’ l-għaqda mużikali Aniċi, minn Ħal Qormi.
“Mill-palk inżilna, forsi fil-pjazza jaqblilna” – Marino Bajada u Jolene Camilleri, mill-Belt Valletta.

KONKORS Nru 7 – Kumpanija Koppji bil-Kostum Kategorija “A”

Konkors 7a. KOSTUM

L-Ewwel Premju – “VenAsia 09” – Joseph Abela mal-ħbieb ta’ l-Għaqda kultura u armar, Marija Annunzjata, minn Ħal-Tarxien.

It-Tieni Premju – “Allegrija Brażiljana, ma’ Tarantella la Taljana” – Paul Curmi u Christopher
Caruana, mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tielet Premju – “Stedinthom u ġew f’egħluq snini, żifnu u tpaxxew” – Raymond Mallia u Anthony Busutill, mill-Belt Valletta.

Konkors 7b. KARRU

L-Ewwel Premju – “VenAsia 09” – Joseph Abela mal-ħbieb ta’ l-Għaqda kultura u armar, Marija Annunzjata, minn Ħal-Tarxien.

It-Tieni Premju – “Allegrija Brażiljana, ma’ Tarantella la Taljana” – Paul Curmi u Christopher Caruana, mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tielet Premju – “Ole għas-Samba, fuq vjaġġ tropikali wasalna” – Alfred u Josef Baldacchino, mill-Msida

Konkors 7c. ŻIFNA

L-Ewwel Premju – “Allegrija Brażiljana, ma’ Tarantella la Taljana” – Paul Curmi u Christopher Caruana, mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tieni Premju – “VenAsia 09” – Joseph Abela mal-ħbieb ta’ l-Għaqda kultura u armar, Marija Annunzjata, minn Ħal-Tarxien.

It-Tielet Premju – “Ole għas-Samba, fuq vjaġġ tropikali wasalna” – Alfred u Josef Baldacchino,


1. GHALL-AĦJAR KUMPANIJA – SEZZJONI “A” – “VenAsia 09” – Joseph Abela mal-ħbieb ta’ l-Għaqda kultura u armar, Marija Annunzjata, minn Ħal-Tarxien.

2. GHALL-AĦJAR KUMPANIJA – SEZZJONI “B” – “Just married” – Anton Caruana u Sharon Curmi, mill-Belt Valletta.

3. GHALL-AĦJAR KUMPANIJA – TFAL SEZZJONI”C” – “Russi u Pirati, flimkien għall-Karnival Malti” – Doris u Tonio Scerri, mill-Belt Valletta.

4. GHALL-AĦJAR KARRU TRIJONFALI – SEZZJONI “A” – “Allegretto” – Charles Briffa u Carlo Oliveiri Demanuele minn San Ġwann

5. GHALL-AĦJAR KARRU TRIJONFALI – SEZZJONI “B” – “Minn taħt l-art tlajt għax il-
mużika smajt” – Lorry Borg u Antoine Grech minn Ħal Qormi ma’ Bronk Productions

6. GHALL-AĦJAR KARRU TRIJONFALI SEZZJONI “C” – “Allegrija u divertiment, bil-loghob u l-mużika dejjem kuntent” – Domenic u Jonathan Mangion mill-belt Valletta

7. GHALL-AĦJAR SETT MASKERUNI – “Fil-Eurovison ibbrillajna, u bil-Monument iċċelebrajna” – Sandro Spiteri mill-Ħamrun


Malta Carnival 2009 is being celebrated between the 20th and 24th February 2009. carnival.jpg
This year’s carnival activities will feature new events such as the Saturday 21st February 2009 grand festival in Valletta which will kick off at around 18.30 hrs until early Sunday morning with dancing and celebrations all around the capital city. This activity is not to be missed.

A new enclosure is being set up to accommodate much more people who annually flock to Valletta so as to enjoy the merriment and appreciate the artistic floats.

Malta Carnival 2009’s official poster was designed by Valerio Schembri Project Workshop Ltd.

This page will be updated with photos, videos and results.
To explore previous year’s results, photos and videos click on the SIDEBAR on the left and choose an option.


Friday , 20th February 2009

18.00 hrs Carnival Dancing Competitions in Freedom Square, Valletta including a spectacular défilé with the participation of the King Carnival Float , Carnival Band and sets of Grotesque Masks.

(Enclosure Tickets €3.50)

Saturday, 21st February 2009

09.30 hrs Children’s Carnival in Freedom Square, Valletta. A succession of dances performed by children, float défilés and merriment all along Republic Street, Valletta including the procession of floats in Freedom Square
(Enclosure Tickets € 5.00)

18.30 hrs Carnival Dancing Competitions including a spectacular show of the King Carnival Float, Triumphal and Company Floats in Freedom Square

(Enclosure Tickets €8.00)

18.00 hrs Carnival Band Parade all along Valletta Main streets

20.00 hrs Carnival Parties in St. George’s Square, Market Square, St. John’s Square and all along Republic, Merchant and St. John’s Street with the participation of 2009 Carnival floats and dancing companies.

(Activities will last up to the early hours of Sunday morning)

Sunday 22nd February,2009

14.30 hrs Selection of the Carnival Dancing Competitions in Freedom Square, Valletta including a spectacular grand défilé with the participation of the King Carnival Float, Triumphal and Company Floats, bands and Grotesque Masks all along Merchant Street, St. John’s Street, and Republic Street followed by the défilé in Freedom Square

(Enclosure Tickets €10.00)

Monday 23rd February 2009

10.00 hrs Carnival Street Parade

17.30 hrs Carnival Dancing Competitions in Freedom Square, Valletta including a spectacular défilé with the participation of the King Carnival Float, Grotesque bands, Company Floats and Grotesque Masks
(Entrance Tickets €3.50)

Tuesday 24th February 2009

10.00 hrs Carnival Street Parade

17.30 hrs Carnival Dancing Competitions in Freedom Square, Valletta including a spectacular défilé with the participation of the King Carnival Float, Grotesque bands, Company Floats and Grotesque Masks

(Enclosure Tickets €3.50)

18.30 hrs Grand Finale in St. Anne’s Street, Floriana

Funeral for soldier Matthew Psaila held in St John of the Cross Parish Church

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The funeral was attended by many people.. friends, relatives, soldiers from the armed forces of malta and residents of Ta’ Xbiex as well as the highest authorities – the prime minister and his wife, members of parliament and local council authorities..

Filmed on mobile in st john of the cross parish church, ta’ xbiex.
Funeral of a youth who died during military training – in Chadwick Lakes – in service of his country, Malta. The funeral was held on 18th February 2009 in St John of the Cross Parish Church, Ta’ Xbiex. Various priests con-celebrated the Mass including Ta’ Xbiex parish priest Fr Joseph Gerada and the Army Chaplain Fr Lawrence Zammit. The church was packed with people including Matthew’s parents, friends, soldiers, Ta’ Xbiex residents and also the highest civil authorities including the Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Opposition leader Joseph Muscat.

matthew psaila

Parish priest Joseph Gerada said 19 year old Matthew was as energetic as a volcano.
He recalled an instance when Matthew asked him for a good funeral speech when he died. Fr Joseph had replied that he would be the first to die, so that would not be possible.
“He just shrugged. Today I am giving Matthew a last farewell,” he continued.
“In this world where everyone wants to say something, Matthew was the one who would silently listen instead”.
“The King of Kings noticed you were a good soldier Matthew, and He wanted you in His ranks” he continued.

Following the service, the burial was held in the AFM service personnel’s section at the Addolarata cemetery.

Il-funeral ta’ Matthew Psaila, zghazugh li miet waqt il-formazzjoni militari, fis-servizz ta’ pajjizu, Malta. Il-funeral inzamm fit-18 ta’ Frar 2009 fil-Knisja parrokkjali ta’ San Gwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex. Qaddsu diversi patrijiet inkluz il-kappillan Fr Joseph Gerada u l-kappillan ta’ l-Armata ta’ Malta Fr Lawrence Zammit. Kien hemm numru mdaqqas ta’ suldati, hbieb, familjari, residenti ta’ Ta’ Xbiex u anki l-oghla awtoritajiet tal-pajjiz – membri tal-parlament inkluz il-Prim Ministru. Matthew kien attiv fil-grupp taz-zaghzagh tal-parrocca ukoll.

Morena/Malta eliminated in Eurovision 2008

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22/5/2008 – singer Morena representing Malta was eliminated in the PRESELECTION SEMIFINAL with her song 'Vodka'….

A professor Derek Gatherer has made a scientific study of Eurovision Voting patterns..”Comparison of Eurovision Song Contest Simulation with Actual Results Reveals Shifting Patterns of Collusive Voting Alliances”.. revealing some very unfair block voting as many people complain every time with Eurovision.

Meanwhile here's a nice Doctor Who fan music video with the Vodka song by morena.

26/1/2008 – singer Morena will be representing Malta with her song 'Vodka', she has just won the Malta Song for Europe festival..

she will represent Malta in the Eurovision 2008 semifinals..

Claudia Faniello ended up both 2nd and 3rd with her songs Caravaggio and Sunrise respectively.

Votes obtained were: 16979 – Vodka, 12714 – Caravaggio and 4518 – Sunrise.

Natalie Gauci, a Maltese singer from Australia, was the special guest for the festival. She had won Australian Idol.

Click on read more for the youtube clips of the songs.

1st Place: Morena – Vodka

2nd Place: Claudia Faniello – Caravaggio

3rd Place: Claudia Faniello – Sunrise

Maltese Events – Carnival, Notte Bianca and more.. plus search the Maltese Internet