The Death of Lina Thake was announced on Facebook by the son of Lina and Charles Thake, David Thake. Charles Thake is a well known actor in Malta who has taken part in many films, including the movie Agora (2009), The Investigator (1973) and Black Eagle (1988).
He expressed his sadness for the death of his mother.
Illum il-mama tieghi halliet din id-dinja. Nirringrazzja lill-mama ghall-hajja ta' dedikazzjoni li ghexet ghall-familja taghna. Grazzi wkoll ghan-nom ta' dawk kollha li ghenet tul il-hajja taghha.
Posted by David Thake on Sunday, 15 January 2017
The death of Lina Thake was also announced on Charles Thake’s Facebook Page.
What an infamous day! My dearly beloved Lina – the love of my life – has passed to everlasting life. Not a day will pass…
Posted by Charles Thake on Sunday, 15 January 2017
May God grant her eternal rest.