Pope Benedict To Visit Malta This Weekend

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Pope Benedict in Malta
Pope Benedict in Malta

The Islands of St. Paul are preparing to give a warm welcome to the Successor of St. Peter, Pope Benedict, this coming weekend.

Pope Benedict XVI will visit Malta on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th April 2010, on the occasion of the 1950th anniversary of St Paul’s shipwreck.

“The Bishops of Malta would like to encourage the faithful to pray for the Maltese islands to be blessed with a visit by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.”

Pope Benedict Visit Official Programme

Programm taż-Żjara Appostolika tal-QT il-Papa Benedittu XVI f’Malta
Continue reading Pope Benedict To Visit Malta This Weekend

International Night Held at Vivaldi Hotel 2010

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An International Night was held recently at the Vivaldi Hotel, Paceville.

Here are some photos of the occasion:


Some videos from the occasion can be found below:





Malta Carnival 2010 Update

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Feel like reading something new? Try Apokalupsis Webcomics from Malta

I will be updating with photos from the carnival! — Keep checking this page for updates including the results when they will be issued.

The first photos have been updated!
More photos & videos coming soon.

Click on ‘Malta Carnival 2010’ on the SIDEBAR on the left to find the photo gallery or

just Click HERE to view the photo gallery for 2010.

A video has been posted on facebook and on the video section on the left (malta carnival 2010).

If you use facebook, join our carnival facebook group.

The results for Carnival 2010 are out:


Il-Kunsill Malti għall-Kulura u Arti, jħabbar  ir-riżultati li jidhru hawn taħt.

Il-Kunsill Malti għall-Kultura u Arti jirringrazzja lill-parteċipanti kollha, lill-membri kollha tal-Korp tal-Pulizija, lill-membri tal-ġurija u lil kull min b’xi mod ta’ sehem fil-programm tal-Karnival ta’ din is-sena.   Il-Kunsill iħabbar li l-Karnival ta’ Malta 2011 se jigi ċċellebrat bejn il-Ġimgħa 4 u t-Tlieta 8 ta’ Marzu, 2011

Ir-riżultati huma dawn :-

Maskeruni (Maskri Grotteski)

L-Ewwel Premju:

“Ġrejt warajhom u ma qbadthomx għax fil-fjuri ma rajthomx” – Sett ta’ Maskaruni ta’ Tonio Scerri u Luke Wood mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tieni Premju:

“Fil-baħar stednuna u biż-żwiemel ħaduna” – Sett ta’ Maskaruni ta’ George Farrugia mill-Msida u Manwel Zarb mill-Belt Valletta

It-Tielet Premju:

“Għafasnihom  u xammajnihom, u għall-Karnival ġibnihom” – Sett ta’ Maskaruni ta’ Philip Grima u Johann Cini  mill-Belt Valletta.

Kumpaniji taż-żfin bil-Kostum (Tfal) Kategorija “C”

L-Ewwel Premju:
“Operistika” – Kumpanija taż-żfin Sezzjoni Ċ, ta’ Brian Bonnici mal-Cutey Cute Dancers.

It-Tieni Premju:

“Niżfnu b’żarbun ta’ l-injam, farfett dakkar tulipan” – Kumpanija taż-żfin Sezzjoni Ċ, ta’ Jackie Armeni, mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tielet Premju:

“Kostumi tradizzjonali u bi żfin nazzjonali” – Kumpanija taż-żfin Sezzjoni Ċ, ta’ Godwin u
Alfred Scerri, mill-Belt Valletta.

Kumpanija taż-żfin bil- Kostum  – Kategorija “B”

L-Ewwel Premju:

“Il-Continente  nero” – Kumpanija taż-żfin Sezzjoni B, ta’ Joseph Abela & friends ta’ l-għaqda Kultura u Armar, Maria Annuzjata, minn Ħal Tarxien.

It-Tieni Premju:

“Circus” – Kumpanija taż-żfin Sezzjoni B, ta’ Anton Caruana, mill-Belt Valletta.
It-Tielet Premju:

“Ta’ l-imgħoddi t-tifkiriet, x’wirt ħallewlna n-nanniet”- Kumpanija taż-żfin Sezzjoni B, ta’ Charlie Briffa u Carlo Olivari Demanuele, minn San Ġwann.
Kumpanija taż-żfin bil-kostum Kategorija  “A”

L-Ewwel Premju:

“Kif tarawna, tiġġudikawna” – Kumpanija taż-żfin Sezzjoni A, ta’ Paul Curmi  u Christopher
Caruana, mill-Belt Valletta.

It-Tieni Premju:

“Tagħti kashom, ifixkluk, u fil-Karnival iferħuk” – Kumpanija taż-żfin Sezzjoni A, ta’ Alfred u
Josef Baldacchino, mill-Msida.

It-Tielet Premju:

“L-artna ddefendejna, biex it-tradizzjonijiet żammejna” – Kumpanija taż-żfin Sezzjoni A, ta’ Raymond Mallia u Tony Busuttil, mill-Belt Valletta.

Rebbieħa tal-Lotterija abbinata mal-biljetti tad-dħul

• Titjira għal Plovdiv għal żewg persuni, transfers u akkomodazzjoni fl’lukanda ta’ 4**** Maritza Hotel ġentilment offruta minn Fantasy Tours – Chris Ellul

• Nokia 2730 ġentilment offrut minn Melita Mobile – M. Mangion

• Titjira għal tnejn f’Corfu ġentilment offruta minn Fantasy Tours – Joseph Borg

• Titjira għal tnejn f’Crete ġentilment offruta minn Fantasy Tours – Rose Tanti

• 10 Travel vawċers tal-ivvjaġġar ta’ €100, ġentilment offruti minn Fantasy Tours:
– Patrick Refalo
– Joseph Caruana
– Jennifer Camilleri
– C. Fenech
– P. Bonello
– M’Carmen Mizzi
– Josephine Cortis
– Maria Sammut
– Maria Ellul
– Chris Alexander Hamilton

The following is the Programme for Malta Carnival 2010 – Karnival ta’ Malta.


Malta Carnival 2010 programme

Friday 12th February, 2010

16.30 hrs Assembly of Dancing Companies groups in Merchant Street followed by a Street Parade show composed of King Carnival float, Masks, Band, and all dancing companies with their respective karalla

17.00 hrs Street Parade along Merchant Street, St. John’s Street and Republic Street

18.00 hrs Dance Competition at Freedom Square .

20.00hrs End of Programme

Saturday 13th February, 2010

10.00 hrs Carnival Non-Competitive Dance Programme and Defile in Freedom Square – programme to last around 12 noon.

10.30 hrs Defile from City Gate with the participation of King Karnival float, isolated masks, decorated vehicles. After enclosure defile will proceed along republic street, St’John’s Street and up to Merchant Street

16.00 hrs Carnival Band Show In Valletta

17.00 hrs Triumphal Floats , will start proceeding from Bus Terminus to Valletta. Grotesque Masks will take part in the Valletta defile

17.30 hrs – 21.00 hrs Dancing Programme Competition at Freedom Square. Participation of Masks , Isolated Masks and decorative vehicles and floats in Valletta

18.30 hrs All Carnival items and Triumphal Floats will proceed to St. Anne Street, Floriana for the late night defile and night carnival which will also include the Kukkanja, near Vilhena Monument and other activities intended for the public such as carnival balls, carnival games, and live band gigs.

Sunday 14th February, 2010

13.00 hrs Defile starts from Fosos, Floriana

14.00 hrs Gran Carnival Show at Freedom Square Valletta with gran defile from Fosos Floriana, to Castile Place, Merchants Street, St.John’s Street, Republic Street , Freedom Square to St.James Ditch.

18.30 hrs End of Activity and all floats will be parked at St.James Ditch, Floriana.

Monday 15th February, 2010

10.00 hrs Carnival Band Parade with the participation of a Carnival Band and children’s dancing groups in costume which will animate the atmosphere. Band Parade that will last up to 11.30 hrs and goes around Republic Street, Melita Street, Merchants Street, St. Lucy Street, up Republic Street to City Gate

16.30 hrs Assembly of Dancing Companies near Ministry of Tourism Building in Merchants Street followed by a Street Parade composed of King Carnival float, Masks, Band, and all dancing companies with their respective karalla

17.00 hrs Street Parade along Merchant Street, St. John’s Street and Republic Street

17.30 hrs Dance Competition at Freedom Square

20.00 hrs End of Activities

Tuesday 16th February, 2010

10.00 hrs Carnival Band Parade with the participation of a Carnival Band and children’s dancing groups in costume which will animate the atmosphere. Band Parade that will last up to 11.30 hrs and goes around Republic Street, Melita Street, Merchants Street, St. Lucy Street, up Republic Street to City Gate

15.30 hrs Floats will start proceeding to Valletta

17.00 hrs Defile and Show in Valletta

18.15 hrs Gran Finale at St. Anne’s Street, Floriana.

Thea wows MaltaSong voters at the Malta Eurosong 2010 festival

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18 year old Maltese singer Thea Garrett has unexpectedly won the Malta Eurosong Festival with her song “My Dream”, and obtained 102 points.

Her song had a dancer Jes Sciberras performing dressed as a ‘Big Bird’. Jason Cassar was the song’s composer and the author was Sunny Aquilina.

50% of the votes were by televoting and the remaining votes were given by the jury – 4 foreigners and one Maltese. She earned the maximum of 12 points from all judges except one.
Thea will be representing Malta to perform at the Eurovision Song Contest, in Norway, after her first attempt.

Her next step is the first semifinal in Oslo which will be held on May 25, otherwise she will not be able to get to the final round of Eurovision.

Glen Vella placed second with “Just A Little More Love” (Paul Giordimaina and Fleur Balzan), with 58 points, while at the third place there was Tiziana with Words Are Not Enough (John David Zammit and Paul Callus), obtaining 45 points.

All in all the festival was quite disappointing and mediocre.
Claudia Faniello’s Samsara (composed by Philip Vella and Gerard James Borg) won the webby awards voted from Internet. Samsara was expected to place in the top 3.

The show, organised by PBS, was presented by Keith Demicoli and Pauline Agius, while Owen Bonnici provided live links of the atmosphere from the green room.

PBS this year introduced numerous touches – such as the way the voting was announced – to present the festival in a way that was similar to the show put up during the Eurovision.

The final ranking was as follows:

1. Thea Garrett, My Dream, 102 points
2. Glen Vella, Just A Little More Love, 58 points
3. Tiziana, Words Are Not Enough, 45 points

4. Pamela, Hold On, 40 points
5. Eleanor Spiteri, Velvet Ocean, 39 points
6. Wayne Micallef, Save A Life, 36 points
7. Laurence Gray, Stories, 33 points
8. Samsara, Claudia Faniello, 31 points
8. Ruth Portelli, Three Little Words, 31 points
10. Dorothy Bezzina, Moments, 27 points
11. Klinsmann, Her Name Was Anne, 26 points
12. Priscilla and Kurt, Waterfall, 19 points
12. Nadine and Clifford Galea, Once In A Lifetime, 19 points
14. Eleanor Cassar, Choices, 16 points
15. Petra, All I Need, 14 points
16. Ryan Dale and Duminka, One 4 U, 13 points
17. Good Intentions, Audrey Marie, 10 points
18. Foxy Federation, Fired Up, 9 points
18. Claire Galea, Ole Satchmo Blues, 9 points
20. Silverclash, Broken, 5 points

Many people preferred to watch SanRemo on italian tv, and some people refused to vote as it was too expensive (1.25 euros to vote).
The transmission on GO digital terrestrial suffered some glitches during the transmission too….
Videos of the event will be posted later..

Maltese Events – Carnival, Notte Bianca and more.. plus search the Maltese Internet