UPDATE: More carnival 2006 videos have been uploaded.
Click here for the article on Carnival 2007, with the latest new photos etc!!
Congratulations to Cicco and company including the dancers who have won this year’s carnival for the best float. Their winning float can be seen in the photo below. More photos and video are being uploaded.

Winner of first prize in triumphal floats Category A: Idoqq l-Izveljarin u Ejja Ntuha ghaz-Zfin.
Malta’s 2006 Carnival came to an end today Tuesday 28th February, the day before Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent – ir-Randan) with a grand defile in St Anne Street, Floriana. Many gathered in the street and were dressed up – both young and not so young – as various characters (including Bin Ladin, Mummies, Zorro, Batman and Spiderman !). Many began to spontaneously dance in the streets to the music which was played by the various floats. At one point, I saw a very small part of a karru fall off, but nobody was hurt.
I have taken photos and filmed some karnival video on Friday, Sunday and Monday afternoon, they are in process of being edited and uploaded.
Many karrijiet (floats) were destroyed by the rain. But many including King Carnival were still in one piece!
Carnival 2006 in Malta begins on Friday 24th February and ends on Tuesday 28th February, one day before Ash Wednesday.
Various videoclips from this year and previous carnivals can be viewed directly in your browser, by clicking here.
Thee photo gallery pages are online – more will follow.
View the 2006 Carnival Photo Gallery:
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View the 2005 Carnival Photo Gallery:
View the 2004 Carnival Photo Gallery:
Click on Read More for the results and official programme.
Grotesque marches, Categories: First Prize – Karnival kollu kulur, ma’ kull rih iddur – La Vittoria Philharmonic Society, Mellieha; Second prize – Ir-Rumani u n-Naplitani, Spettaklu Tajna lit-Taljani – Maria Annunzjata Musical Organisation, Tarxien.
Triumphal floats, Category A: First Prize – Idoqq l-Izveljarin u Ejja Ntuha ghaz-Zfin – Norman Hill and Carmel Mifsud, Valletta; Second Prize – Mill-Art Ilhaqnik u Ara Kif Cappasnik – Charlie Briffa and Carlo Olivari Demanuele, San Gwann; Third Prize – Mill-Erba’ Staguni, ta’ Frar Hareg bl-Unuri – Lawrence Coleiro, Floriana.
Triumphal floats, Category B: First Prize – Kilna, Zfinna, Ara Qabel it-Tieg, x’ghamilna – Silvio Zerafa and Keith Farrugia, Qormi; Second Prize – Mill-Bahar Sibnieha u mill-Gholi Rajnieha – Rayvin Galea and Enzo Abela, Floriana; Third Prize – Fis-Snin Sebghin Spettaklu Tajna, u fil-Karnival Iltqajna – T.J. Forace and Clinton Vassallo, Valletta.
Triumphal floats, Category C: First Prize – Mill-Ktieb tal-Fantasija, f’Kastell tas-Seher u l-Magija – Charlie Briffa and Arnold Mallia, Valletta; Second Prize – Tradizzjoni Barranija Gibnielkhom, Waqt Festa Maltija – Shawn Curmi and John Curmi, Valletta; Third Prize – Dawra b’Dingi Ppjanajat u fil-Karnival Spiccajt – Joseph Griffiths and Tonio Scerri, Valletta.
Triumphal Floats Category D: First Prize – Minn fuq it-Torn Spikkajt, Biex fil-Karnival Spiccajt – Domenic u Johnathan Mangion, Valletta.
Grotesque Masks: First Prize – L-Ghasafar Itiru, B’Xogholhom Nafuhom, fil-Karnival Ingawduhom – Costantino Gouder and Leli Sammut, Valletta; Second Prize – L-Oroskopju Jiena Qrajt, Biex Nara Xi Ggwadanjajt – Jackie and Dino Armeni, Valletta; Third Prize – Bit-Tnabar u t-Trumbetti, fil-Karnival Bla Xkubetti – George Farrugia, Msida.
Costume Companies (Children): First Prize – Haxix u Frott Ipprezentajtlek, u bil-Gelu Ttantajtek – Charlie and Paul Curmi, Valletta; Second Prize – Bil-Muzika Kkompetejna u fil-Pjazza lin-Nies Paxxejna – Godwin and Christian Scerri; Third Prize – Wara Serqa f’Chicago, fil-Lista tal-Pulizija Spiccaw – Costantino Gouder and Leli Sammut.
Float: First Prize – Haxix u Frott Ipprezentajtlek, u bil-Helu Ttantajtek – Charlie and Paul Curmi, Valletta; Second Prize – Fic-Cirklu Ltqajna, Spettaklu Tellajna – Jackie and Doris Armeni, Valletta; Third Prize – Wara Serqa f’Chicago, fil-Lista tal-Pulizija Spiccaw – Costantino Gouder and Leli Sammut.
Dance: First Prize – Haxix u Frott Ipprezentajtlek, u bil-Helu Ttantajtek – Charlie and Paul Curmi, Valletta; Second Prize – Bil-Muzika Kkompetejna u fil-Pjazza lin-Nies Paxxejna – Godwin and Christian Scerri; Third Prize – Fic-Cirklu Ltqajna, Spettaklu Tellajna – Jackie and Doris Armeni, Valletta.
Company in costume, Category B: First Prize – Saqqejtuna u Qtajtuna, u fil-Karnival Ipprezentajtuna – Paul Curmi and Clayton Caruana, Valletta; Second Prize – Bil-Gwienah u l-Qrun, Iltqajna mad-Dragun – Anton Caruana and Rita Leuellen, Valletta; Third Prize – Mill-Istorja ghall-Futur, ghall-Memorja u l-Unur – Oscar and Anna Curmi, Valletta.
Dance, Category B: First Prize – Saqqejtuna u Qtajtuna, u fil-Karnival Ipprezentajtuna – Paul Curmi and Clayton Caruana, Valletta; Second Prize – Mill-Istorja ghall-Futur, ghall-Memorja u l-Unur – Oscar and Anna Curmi, Valletta; Third Prize – Bil-Gwienah u l-Qrun, Iltqajna mad-Dragun – Anton Caruana and Rita Leuellen, Valletta.
Couples in costume on decorated floats, Category A:
Costume: First Prize – Bil-Muzika u l-Kant Intbaht, u l-Opera bin-Nar Irbaht – Stillieri Youth Section, Tarxien; Second Prize – Fantasija Amerikana, Ilaghbu Fluskom Maghna – Paul Curmi and Christopher Caruana, Valletta; Third Prize – Cirklu Mondjali, b’Karattri Fenomenali – Raymond Mallia and Jesmond Goodlip.
Float: First Prize – Bil-Muzika u l-Kant Intbaht, u l-Opera bin-Nar Irbaht – Stillieri Youth Section, Tarxien; Second Prize – Fantasija Amerikana, Ilaghbu Fluskom Maghna – Paul Curmi and Christopher Caruana, Valletta; Third Prize – Maghrufin ghall-Kultura, bil-Kostumi u l-Musika Taghrfuna – Alfred and Josef Baldacchino.
Dance: First Prize – Bil-Muzika u l-Kant Intbaht, u l-Opera bin-Nar Irbaht – Stillieri Youth Section, Tarxien; Second Prize – Fantasija Amerikana, Ilaghbu Fluskom Maghna – Paul Curmi and Christopher Caruana, Valletta; Third Prize – Cirklu Mondjali, b’Karattri Fenomenali – Raymond Mallia and Jesmond Goodlip.
Category D – Company: First Prize – Mill-Mongolja, lill-Indja Attakkajna, u fil-Karnival Ixxalajna – Cedric Chircop u Luana Grioli, Valletta.
For the best couples company, section A – Bil-Muzika u l-Kant Intbaht, u l-Opera bin-Nar Irbaht – Stillieri Youth Section, Tarxien.
For the best couples company, section B – Saqqejtuna u Qtajtuna, u fil-Karnival Ipprezentajtuna – Paul Curmi and Clayton Caruana, Valletta.
For the best children’s companies, section C – Haxix u Frott Ipprezentajtek, u bil-Helu Ttantajtek – Charlie and Paul Curmi, Valletta.
For the best band in the grotesque marches category – Karnival kollu Kulur, ma Kull Rih Idur – La Vittoria Philharmonic Society, Mellieha.
For the best triumphant float, section A – Idoqq l-Izveljarin u Ejja Ntuha ghaz-Zfin – Norman Hill and Carmel Mifsud, Valletta.
For the best triumphant float, section B – Kilna, Zfinna, Ara Qabel it-Tieg x’Ghamilna – Silvio Zerafa and Keith Farrugia, Qormi.
For the best triumphant float, section C – Mill-Ktieb tal-Fantasija, f’Kastell tas-Seher u l-Magija – Charlie Briffa and Arnold Mallia, Valletta.
For the best triumphant float, section D – Minn fuq it-Tron Spikkajt, biex fil-Karnival Spiccajt – Domenic and Johnathan Mangion, Valletta.
For the best set of masks – L-Ghasafar Itiru, b’Xogholhom Nafuhom, fil-Karnival Ingawduhom – Costantino Gouder and Leli Sammut, Valletta.
For the best company, section D – Mill-Mongolja, lill-Indja Attakkajna, u fil-Karnival Ixxalajna – Cedric Chircop and Luana Grioli, Valletta.
The following is the official programme for this year:
The National Malta Carnival activities 2006 are being held at Freedom Square, Valletta, between Friday 24th and Tuesday 28th February and mainly are as follows:
Friday 24th February
17.30 hrs Dancing Competitions at Freedom Square, Valletta with the participation of Competitive Dancing Companies in Section A, B, C & D
18.00 hrs Defile with Carnival floats along Republic Street Valletta
19.15 hrs Entrance of Defile in Enclosure consisting of King Carnival float followed by Grottesque Masks, Triumphal Floats Sec D and Section A Company Floats.
Saturday 25th February
09.30 hrs Carnival Activity for Children including dancing and merriment at Freedom Square, Valletta
09.30 hrs Defile along Republic Street, Valletta
10.30 hrs Entrance of Defile in Carnival Enclosure consisting of King Carnival float, followed by Hilarious Float, Furtu Selvatico School Band, Grotesque Masks and Section C Company Floats
14.30 hrs Defile with the participation of King Carnival Float , Triumphal Floats Sec A, B, C and Grotesque Masks along Valletta street (namely Castille Place,Merchant’s Street, St. John’s Square and Republic Street)
15.00 hrs Dancing Competitions at Freedom Square, Valletta with the participation of Competitive Dancing Companies in Section A, B, C & D
16.45 hrs Entrance of Defile at Freedom Square, Valletta
19.30 hrs Carnival Band Parade in Qormi with the participation of various local bands, two
carnival competitive bands and various mini floats.
Sunday 26th February
10.00 hrs Carnival Activity at Spinola Bay, St.Julians.
13.00 hrs Grand Defile with the participation of King Carnival Float, Carnival Competitive Bands, Grotesque Masks, Triumphal Floats Section A, B and C, Company Sec C and A Floats along Valletta street ( namely Castille Place, Merchant’s Street, St. John’s Square and Republic Street)
14.30 hrs Carnival Show at Freedom Square including the “Il-Parata Dance” followed by the Carnival Anthem and the Gran Defile
Monday 27th February
17.00 hrs Dancing Competition with the participation of Competitive Dancing Companies in
Section A, B, C & D at Freedom Square, Valletta
17.30 hrs Defile along Republic Street with the participation of Grottesque Bands & Masks
and Section C and A Company Floats
18.45 hrs Entrance of Defile at Freedom Square, Valletta
Tuesday 28th February
15.30 hrs Grand Defile with the participation of King Carnival Float , Grotesque Masks,
Triumphal Floats Section A, B, C & D, Company Sec C and A Floats along Valletta
street ( namely Castille Place, Merchant’s Street, St. John’s Square and Republic
17.00 hrs Entrance of Defile in Freedom Square Enclosure, Valletta
18.15 hrs Grand Finale including the Grand Defile at St. Anne’s Street, Floriana.
Besides the above events various villages organise Carnival activities at their localities during the same period.
The Malta Carnival is organised by the National Folklore Commission within the Ministry for Tourism and Culture, which may be contacted at The Malta Council for Culture and the Arts, 230 Casa Gaspe, Republic Street, Valletta; tel. no: +356 21 245168, fax: +356 21 241964 and email: antonmiceli AT maltaculture dot com.