Sound machine (SAMSUNG MALTA) censored my comments and blocked me from their Facebook Page because I asked them why their prices were currently so expensive compared to abroad…. and as a long-time Sound machine customer I was about to buy a new replacement smartphone.
Brands, it’s important to show your community that your company is transparent and responsive. Offer the individual support rather than banning !
There are local shops that sell products CHEAPER than from ebay or abroad, so it can be done. I’m not naming names so as not to give a free ad to anyone.
shame on you Sound Machine… way to treat your customers!
Why should one buy from them when they treat people in this way?

Samsung globally is not doing too well with disappointing sales of the new S6 models.
And if worldwide they treat their customers this way, things will go worse for them.
Their android devices are not made to last long, 2 years at max (since they are released, not since you buy them) and they don’t support newer updates after that point, making it a poorer choice. So buying from sound machine you might only find older models (eg last year’s tablets) whose support is finishing, this is what I noticed. In comparison apple’s iphones mostly last longer.
Perhaps other android phones or even apple’s iphones are worth investigating at this point. Samsung phones have gone down in quality, lately they have been riddled with a ridiculous amount of software and hardware problems. And with the recent Android vulnerabilities such as Stagefright posing a great risk for Android owners (by opening up the phones/tablets to remote hackers), fast updating is becoming essential. I’ve even read reports of samsung tablets going all black after updating.
Buying online has become easier, even when the shops don’t deliver to Malta by using services such as Maltapost’s sendon. I recommend comparing prices of local shops, online shops, ebay uk, amazon uk, etc, plus stores you can buy from when abroad (check out websites by euronics, saturn, etc). It’s a global market today. Banning people from your Facebook page won’t help you to sell, by the way.
The italians have the same problem with prices, only ours in Malta tend to be more expensive compared to Italy. Here’s a video about this and how prices in Germany are so much cheaper.