
Funeral for soldier Matthew Psaila held in St John of the Cross Parish Church

The funeral was attended by many people.. friends, relatives, soldiers from the armed forces of malta and residents of Ta’ Xbiex as well as the highest authorities – the prime minister and his wife, members of parliament and local council authorities..

Filmed on mobile in st john of the cross parish church, ta’ xbiex.
Funeral of a youth who died during military training – in Chadwick Lakes – in service of his country, Malta. The funeral was held on 18th February 2009 in St John of the Cross Parish Church, Ta’ Xbiex. Various priests con-celebrated the Mass including Ta’ Xbiex parish priest Fr Joseph Gerada and the Army Chaplain Fr Lawrence Zammit. The church was packed with people including Matthew’s parents, friends, soldiers, Ta’ Xbiex residents and also the highest civil authorities including the Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Opposition leader Joseph Muscat.

Parish priest Joseph Gerada said 19 year old Matthew was as energetic as a volcano.
He recalled an instance when Matthew asked him for a good funeral speech when he died. Fr Joseph had replied that he would be the first to die, so that would not be possible.
“He just shrugged. Today I am giving Matthew a last farewell,” he continued.
“In this world where everyone wants to say something, Matthew was the one who would silently listen instead”.
“The King of Kings noticed you were a good soldier Matthew, and He wanted you in His ranks” he continued.

Following the service, the burial was held in the AFM service personnel’s section at the Addolarata cemetery.

Il-funeral ta’ Matthew Psaila, zghazugh li miet waqt il-formazzjoni militari, fis-servizz ta’ pajjizu, Malta. Il-funeral inzamm fit-18 ta’ Frar 2009 fil-Knisja parrokkjali ta’ San Gwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex. Qaddsu diversi patrijiet inkluz il-kappillan Fr Joseph Gerada u l-kappillan ta’ l-Armata ta’ Malta Fr Lawrence Zammit. Kien hemm numru mdaqqas ta’ suldati, hbieb, familjari, residenti ta’ Ta’ Xbiex u anki l-oghla awtoritajiet tal-pajjiz – membri tal-parlament inkluz il-Prim Ministru. Matthew kien attiv fil-grupp taz-zaghzagh tal-parrocca ukoll.