Tag Archives: 2013

Malta Votes in General Elections and Local Council Elections 2013

Approximate percentage voting turnout up to 2.00pm

The Electoral Commission notifies the following percentage voting turnout in each of the Districts up to 2.00 pm:

1st District 50%
2nd District 45%
3rd District 44%
4th District 55%
5th District 53%
6th District 53%
7th District 49%
8th District 49%
9th District 46%
10th District 51%
11th District 51%
12th District 47%
13th District 50%

Total turnout percentages (approximate) up to the end of voting at 10pm.

1st District
2nd District
3rd District
4th District
5th District
6th District
7th District
8th District
9th District
10th District
11th District
12th District
13th District

Total approximate turnout for all localities:   93% Average total approximate percentage: 49%   Source for data and photo:DOI Website   Ballot boxes have started arriving at Naxxar Counting Hall since around 11pm on Saturday. Indications have shown that the labour party has won this election with a large majority of 55% or some 36000 votes. Lawrence Gonzi just conceded defeat and called Joseph Muscat to congratulate him on a Labour victory.



Malta Carnival 2013 Programme + Results – Il-Programm tal-Karnival ta’ Malta 2013 bir-Rizultati

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Malta Network Resources will be updating with photos from the carnival! — Keep checking this page/site for updates including the results when they will be issued.
Bad news.. :(( :(( The Carnival defile’ in Valletta this Sunday was cancelled this afternoon because of bad weather.


Click on ‘Malta Carnival’ on the SIDEBAR on the left to find photos and videos from previous years.

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Malta Carnival 2013 programme – Programm tal- Karnival ta’ Malta 2013
8-12 February

1800: Kompetizzjoni ta’ zfin u sfilata fl-arena fug il-Fosos tal-Furjana. (Biljetti ghall-istand tal-ispettaturi: €8)
1800: Sfilata tul Triq ir-Repubblika minn Misrah l-Assedju ghall-arena tal-Karnival, bil-partecipazzjoni tal-banda u l-maskri grotteski.

0930-1130: Programm ta’ zfin tat-tfal u sfilata fl-arena fug il-Fosos tal-Furjana. (Biljetti ghall-istand tal-ispettaturi: €5)
1130: Sfilata minn Putirjal ghal Triq ir-Repubblika u Trig San 6wann, bil-partecipazzjoni tal-Karru tar-Re tal-Karnival, gruppi allegruzi, maskaruni izolati u baned.
1330: Parata bil-banda u l-maskaruni tul Trig ir-Repubblika sal-Fosos tal-Furjana.
1400: Kompetizzjoni taz-zfin fl-arena fug il-Fosos tal-Furjana, segwita minn sfilata bil-partecipazzjoni tal­karrijiet trijonfali, maskri grotteski u banda. (Biljetti ghall­istand tal-ispettaturi:E12)
1800: Carnival by Night bi sfilata fit-toroq tal-Belt bil-partecipazzjoni tal-karru tar-Re tal-Karnival, karrijiet trijonfali u karrijiet tal-kumpaniji, maskaruni izolati u attivitajiet ohra.
1200: Parata bil-banda u l-maskaruni tul Triq ir-Repubblika sal-Fosos tal-Furjana.
1330-1730: Spettaklu grandjui fl-arena tal-Karnival fug il-Fosos tal-Furjana. (Biljetti ghall-istand tal-ispettaturi €15)
THASSRET: 1430: Sfilata grandjuza bil-karrijiet li tghaddi minn Misrah Kastilja,Triq il-Merkanti ghal Triq San Gwann, Triq ir-Repubblika ghall-Fosos tal-Furjana.
1030-1300: Parata Karnivaleska bil-partecipazzjoni ta’ baned, gruppi tat-tfal u maskaruni izolati fit-toroq tal-Belt Valletta, segwita biz-zfin.
1500-2030: Kompetizzjoni ta’ zfin u sfilata bil­-partecipazzjoni tal-karrijiet trijonfali u tal-kumpaniji fl-arena fuq il-Fosos tal-Furjana. (Biljetti ghall-istand tal­-ispettaturi: €10)
1030-1300: Parata Karnivaleska bil-partecipazzjoni ta’baned, gruppi taz-zfin tat-tfal u maskaruni izolati fit-toroq tal-Belt Valletta, segwita minn esibizzjoni taz-zfin.
1800: Grand Finale ft Triq Sant’Anna, il-Furjana bil-partecipazzjoni tal-karrijiet trijonfali u l-karrijiet/ karrella tal-kumpaniji kif
ukoll tal-membri tat-­timijiet rispettivi.
1800-2000: Carnival dancing competitions at the Carnival Arena, Granaries, Floriana, followed by the entrance of a defile. (Seating Stand Tickets: €8)
1800: Carnival defile along Republic Street, Valletta from Great Siege Square to the Carnival Arena in Floriana with the participation of a carnival band and grotesque masks.
0930-1130: Carnival dances programme and defile at the Carnival Arena at the Granaries, Floriana. (Seating Stand Tickets: €5)
1130: Defile from Valletta City Gate that will proceed along Republic Street and St John’s Street with the participation of the King Carnival float, merriment groups, isolated masks and bands.
1330: Band and grotesque masks parade along Republic Street to the Granaries, Floriana.
1400: Carnival dancing competitions at the Carnival Arena, Granaries, Floriana, followed by the entrance of a defile consisting of triumphal floats, grotesque masks and bands. (Seating Stand Tickets: €12).
1800: Carnival by night defile in Valletta with the participation of the King Carnival Float, triumphal and company floats, isolated masks and other activities.
1200: Band and grotesque masks parade along Republic Street to the Granaries, Floriana.
1330-1730: Grand Carnival Show at the Carnival Arena, The Granaries, Floriana. (Seating Stand Tickets: €15)
1430: Grand defile in Valletta that will pass through Castille Place, Merchant Street to St John’s Street, Republic Street to the Granaries Floriana.
1030-1300: Carnival Parade with band participation, children’s dancing groups and isolated masks in Valletta followed by a dance parade.
1500-2030: Carnival dancing competitions at the Carnival Arena, Granaries, Floriana, followed by the entrance of a defile consisting of triumphal and company floats. (Seating Stand Tickets: €10)

1030-1300: Carnival parade with band participation, children’s dancing groups and isolated masks in Valletta followed by a dance parade.
CANCELLED 1800: Grand Finale in St Anne’s Street, Floriana with the participation of triumphal and company floats together with their respective company members.

The Carnival results for 2013, issued by the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts this afternoon are as follows:
Contest No 1 – Triumphal Floats – Category “A”
First Prize: “Rajtek u mpressjonajtni, b’żewġ irjus, kif skantajtni” – Antoine Grech and Lorry Borg with Bronk Productions
Second Prize: “Bluha u Allegrija mal-Familja tal-Fantasija” – Norman Hill – Ċiċċo Company
Third Prize: “Brits” – Putullu Carnival Company
Contest No 2 – Triumphal Floats – Category “B”
First Prize: “Maġija u stregonerija ġo dinja tal-fantasija” – Domenic Mangion – Leslie Carnival Company
Second Prize: “Spectacular, Spectacular” – Raymond and Sandro Zerafa – Toto Team
Third Prize: “Ebenezer” – Ronnie and Silvio Zerafa
Contest No 3 – Triumphal Floats – Category “C”
First Prize: “Ġejna mill-films tal-Fantasija, għal ġol-pjazza b’Allegrija” – Redeemer Casha and Joseph Mizzi – Bronk Productions
Second Prize: “Il-Ħajja Prezzjuża u l-Mewt Diżastruża” – Paul Chircop and Charlie Curmi
Third Prize: “Deċeduti” – Tonio Scerri, Sandro Spiteri and The Brothers Carnival Group
Contest No 4 – Grotesque Masks
First Prize: “Mill-logħob sibnikom u maskeruni għamilnikom” – Emanuel Zarb and Christian Ciappara – Smartlight System Carnival Group
Second Prize: “Mat-tfal l-aktar magħrufin u fil-Karnival ferħanin” – Christian and Isaac Scerri
Contest No 6 – Dance – Companies (Children) Category “C”
First Prize: “Kemm Terturi ħadt ġo fija biex ilħaqt il-Mija” – Wendy Vella on behalf of the Żejtun Carnival Troupe
“Nifirħu u nilagħbu ma’ dawn il-ġuggarelli ħelwin” – Anton Aquilina & Friends
Third Prize: “It-tnejn iriduni iżda mill-baħar mhux se jieħduni” – Josepha Scicluna and the Cutie Cute Dancers
Contest No 6 – Kostum – Companies (Children) Category “C”
First Prize: “Nifirħu u nilagħbu ma’ dawn il-ġuggarelli ħelwin” – Anton Aquilina & Friends
Second Prize: “Kemm Terturi ħadt ġo fija biex ilħaqt il-Mija” – Wendy Vella on behalf of the Żejtun Carnival Troupe
Third Prize: “It-tnejn iriduni iżda mill-baħar mhux se jieħduni” – Josepha Scicluna and the Cutie Cute Dancers
Contest No 7 – Dance – Companies Category “B”
First Prize: “Mitologija” – Joseph Abela & Friends, on behalf of the Għaqda Kultura u Armar Marija Annunzjata Ħal Tarxien
Second Prize: “The Greek Gods” – Stephen and Jonathan Bondin
Third Prize: “Sugar Gaga” – Brian Bonnici and the Mystic Dancers
Contest No 7 – Kostum – Companies Category “B”
First Prize: “Mitologija” – Joseph Abela & Friends, on behalf of the Għaqda Kultura u Armar Marija Annunzjata Ħal Tarxien
Second Prize: “Sugar Gaga” – Brian Bonnici and the Mystic Dancers
Third Prize: “Niżfnu f’dan il-mument mal-mużika tal-passat u l-preżent ” – Christopher Aquilina and Jean Pierre Chircop
Contest No 8 – Dance – Companies Category “A”
First Prize: “Għall-Karnival ta’ Malta ġejjin b’għajnejna miġbudin” – Pawlu Curmi and Christopher Caruana
Second Prize: “Invasion” – Charlie Briffa , Carlo Olivari D’Emanuele together with Tal-Banda Carnival Troupe
Third Prize: “Mir-Razzett ħriġnihom u kostumi tradizzjonali libbisnihom” – Alfred and Josef Baldacchino
Contest No 8 – Kostum – Companies Category “A”
First Prize: “Invasion” – Charlie Briffa , Carlo Olivari D’Emanuele together with Tal-Banda Carnival Troupe
Second Prize: “Għall-Karnival ta’ Malta ġejjin b’għajnejna miġbudin” – Pawlu Curmi and Christopher Caruana
Third Prize: “Il-Kultura libsitna u l-mużika żeffnitna” – Raymond Mallia – Titti Carnival Company
Contest No 8 – Karru – Companies Category “A”
First Prize: “Invasion” – Charlie Briffa , Carlo Olivari D’Emanuele together with Tal-Banda Carnival Troupe
Second Prize: “Mir-Razzett ħriġnihom u kostumi tradizzjonali libbisnihom” – Alfred and Josef Baldacchino
Third Prize: “Għall-Karnival ta’ Malta ġejjin b’għajnejna miġbudin” – Pawlu Curmi and Christopher Caruana
Contest Winners
1. Company – Section “A” – “Invasion” – Charlie Briffa , Carlo Olivari D’Emanuele together with Tal-Banda Carnival Troupe
2. Company – Section “B” – “Mitologija” – Joseph Abela & Friends, on behalf of Għaqda Kultura u Armar Marija Annunzjata Ħal Tarxien
3. Children’s Company – Section “C” – “Nifirħu u nilagħbu ma’ dawn il-ġuggarelli ħelwin” – Anton Aquilina & Friends
4. Triumphal Float – Section “A” – “Rajtek u mpressjonajtni, b’żewġ irjus, kif skantajtni” – Antoine Grech and Lorry Borg with Bronk Productions
5. Triumphal Float – Section “B” – “Maġija u stregonerija ġo dinja tal-fantasija” – Domenic Mangion – Leslie Carnival Company
6. Triumphal Float Section “C” -“Ġejna mill-films tal-Fantasija, għal ġol-pjazza b’Allegrija” – Redeemer Casha and Joseph Mizzi – Bronk Productions
7. Grotesque Masks – “Mill-logħob sibnikom u maskeruni għamilnikom” – Emanuel Zarb and Christian Ciappara – Smartlight System Carnival Group

Gozo Carnival Results 2013