Europe Needs Malta For A Witness, PM Says

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The Prime Minister Dr Eddie Fenech Adami during a PN meeting for the upcoming has said that, in the words of Pope John Paul II during his visits to Malta, “Europe Needs Malta For A Witness” and that Malta needs to promote its Christian and ethical values and solidarity in Europe, a group of countries built on ethical values and work for peace which leaves no-one out.

Geologist says North Pole May Flip to South

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This story is related to an earlier story about how scientists believe that the sun will toast the earth when someday the poles will flip.

What the Pope Really Said About War in the Gulf

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Here's an article which claims to give full details on what the Pope really said about the War on Iraq.

Book of Daniel and reports from Israel

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A recent news story about Israel denying entry visas to priests has set me thinking of the passage in the Book of Daniel which speaks of the abomination in the temple and the stopping of the perpetual sacrifice. Now the perpetual sacrifice, according to the messages given to Fr Gobbi by Our Lady, is the Holy Mass.

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