Category Archives: Older Posts

Tears of Statue of Our Lady of the Grotto: Confused Story Goes On

The Malta Independent leaked the story that the tears of the Statue of Our Lady of the Grotto (Madonna tal-Ghar) were real. However this not an official conclusion, it seems, at least not yet.

UPDATE on 12/12/2003: After more than a year since the leaking of this story, now there is a confused story about this. The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith says that the tears cannot be claimed to be supernatural because not all doubts were removed i.e. not all tests were done to check.

So it seems the appointed commission has failed to do all the tests, despite the news from last year which said the tests were done.

Now the Dominicans are saying they still think it can be really supernatural. They are asking Heaven for another sign.

My comment is that one sign from Heaven is enough – asking for more can result in chastisements! I think it's supernatural however I
have questions:

Why don't we know, one year after, who formed part of this commission, and why have their findings not been made public?

Why was it removed from veneration when similar statues worldwide are kept accessible? Padre Pio's statue has been weeping tears in Italy these days, but his statue wasn't removed like Our Lady's was.

Read the article about when the statue was made available for veneration again

Read the whole Madonna tal-Ghar story

(Click on Read More to continue)

Will Malta's Next Bishop be a member of Opus Dei

UPDATE: Bishop Mercieca recently sent his letter of resignation to the Vatican.
Also, someone at the Vatican was searching for Charles J. Scicluna and found this page.. What it means, I don't know…

An interesting newspaper article talks about the next Bishop of Malta, and asks if he will be an Opus Dei member.

Click on Read More to read the article.