The leader of the opposition Dr Alfred Sant (MLP) 's behaviour has been called “Undemocratic” and “out-of-date” by the“>EU Observer newspaper.
Category Archives: Older Posts
Frattini Congratulates Malta
(AGI) – Rome, Italy, March 11 – Foreign Minister Franco Frattini congratulated the government of Malta for the positive result of the referendum for Malta to join the European Union.
Frattini said in the message he sent to Malta Foreign Minister, Borg: “I consider this result to be particularly positive and encouraging also because of the referendums which will soon be held in the remaining candidate countries”.
PM Announces General Elections for 12th April 2003
The Prime Minister Dr Eddie Fenech Adami has just announced the date for the General Elections in Malta: the day will be 12th April, just 4 days before signing the EU accession treaty and a day after id-Duluri (feast of Our Lady of Sorrows).
Malta's joining the EU depends on the election result although the majority of valid votes in the referendum were in favour of membership.
IVA Vote Wins in Malta by 53.6% – Malta to Join EU In Spite of Boycott Campaign
All indications are that the majority of the votes (19000 more) are in favour of joining the EU, 53.6% YES versus 46.4% NO, unofficial sources said.
Dr Laurence Gonzi of the PN said this publically also.
Prime Minister Dr Eddie Fenech Adami is expected to give a press release at 4pm today.
Cars, carrying Maltese and EU flags, can be heard and seen in the streets now all over Malta. Links to BBC and CNN news.
Click on READ MORE for further information.
New: Videoclips – before the EU Referendum
Updated with new links.