All posts by clyde777

Frattini Congratulates Malta

(AGI) – Rome, Italy, March 11 – Foreign Minister Franco Frattini congratulated the government of Malta for the positive result of the referendum for Malta to join the European Union.
Frattini said in the message he sent to Malta Foreign Minister, Borg: “I consider this result to be particularly positive and encouraging also because of the referendums which will soon be held in the remaining candidate countries”.

PM Announces General Elections for 12th April 2003

The Prime Minister Dr Eddie Fenech Adami has just announced the date for the General Elections in Malta: the day will be 12th April, just 4 days before signing the EU accession treaty and a day after id-Duluri (feast of Our Lady of Sorrows).
Malta's joining the EU depends on the election result although the majority of valid votes in the referendum were in favour of membership.