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Full Gender Equality

Full Gender Equality:  What Possibilities

The arguments put forward in this paper analyse the issue of gender
equality in a relationship between a man and a woman.  Without a  big
change in men's attitudes full equality relationships will not be
possible.  If men dominate in families, men will dominate in the
society in general.  We are not only talking about equality in the
labour market, but even in the private sphere.   We have to negotiate
with equality all the time.  Full Equality is not only possible but
it has several advantages.   


In our traditional families and relationships between man and women,
men dominate.  In this type of relationship, there is equity between
the male and female, rather than equality.  Today, most probable
because of liberal feminism, the female has got an equal standing in
society as the male has.  From this point forward, the traditional
system has changed into a modern and liberal one.  In these times,
one finds that it is no longer true that the male is the one to make
plans for the female.  This type of relationship is evolutionary. 
Despite the progress and education, the number of girls who give
birth to babies before marriage has always continued increasing as
did violence against women.  Still, there are many women who work and
do all the housework.  

Full equality is the alternative that is being successfully winning on
the above mentioned system.  This system is totally different and for
this reason it is also a revolutionary system.  In this system, the
members are going to work together for their common interests and
happiness.  We also criticise the liberal system because the member
who has the more power will dominates, who eventually will be the
man.  This is so because there is no control on his power. Control
and discipline are important to create a society of full equality.  A
physically strong person should never take unnecessary advantage of
his strength.  This argument opposes liberals and modernists who are
in favour the freedom of the person rather than freedom for all.    

Another type of 'tyranny' is that of the home symbolised in the images
of the 'Happy housewife.'  It is most interesting to know that
authoritarian system as those of Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini
glorified the family and declared war on any deviations from the norm
as homosexuality.  In fact 100,000 homosexuals were killed in
Holocaust.   Modern capitalism is not the biggest alley of the
traditional family.  Today sex and love have become market products. 
Adding to all this, in countries like the United States, sex
commercialism coexists with the worst forms of fundamentalist
Puritanism.  The two types of oppression cause community isolation. 


Let us consider briefly the essence of work in full equality
relationship.  In a traditional relationship a person works above all
to keep himself and his family clothed and well fed, that is, so that
he would be able to cover his essential needs.  It will be a holiday
for him every time he takes time off his  work.  The female must per
necessity forget her ambitions and her qualities and also her freedom
so that she would be able to slave away at the house work.  The male
is feeling threatened because he might lose his job, but, in the
meantime he is also damning it because of his need to relax.  

People's attitude has already begun changing after the great impact of
liberal feminism, which talks about the advance of women.  Universal
education helps every person to choose his/ her vocation.  Therefore,
a couple will work not because they are feeling threatened by fame,
but because they realize that the enlargement of their needs depend
on the creative work of the couple.  The work that they are doing is
the one that  they had chosen for themselves and therefore it should
be of interest to them.


Freedom goes hand in hand with equality, that is only people who are
free can be equal, and also people who feel they are equal can be
free.  High standards in education and culture help people to extend
their ability away from their main occupation.  These people were
capable to develop and use new abilities in themselves.  In other
words a female in a feminist relationship would have developed in
harmony, she would be cultured, having a high moral standard etc. 
This argument applies for the males.  

The feminist relationship is the one having the highest amount of
freedom.  The female can express and show her creativity, that is,
she can dress according to her own creative choices and not obey the
dictates of her partner.  The feminist relationship is also the most
efficient one.  Above all, it should be stressed that it is rational
to use the resources a female has to offer.  Many females have great
abilities in managerial and industrial section and also in technical
work.  A girl who marries so that she would become a housewife is
oppressing her capabilities and this leads to the fact that the
family cannot improve in this aspect.  


It is a common fact that the wife has to go out to work because the
husband's income only is not enough to  cope with the demand of life.
 It could happen, though rarely,  that one of the partners would not
be able to go on working.  If this case has to happen in a
traditional family, this means a disaster.  The division of work
makes the partners do a particular job and this creates incompetence
between them.  

It is also worth mentioning, that when the female gives birth to a
child this causes a great exchange of hormones between the mother and
child.  The mother can lose a lot of hair and her figure will surely
change.  The mother would have to stay awake for a long time to be
able to care for her child, apart from doing the necessary housework.
 She will be under stress trying to buy all the necessities for her
child.  The absurd thing is that she must share these thoughts with
other females.  Many times, the woman does not take care of herself,
instead dedicating all of herself to her family.  In a relationship
where total equality reigns, the family has only half of the stress. 
She can share her thoughts and feelings with the man she loves,
because they have common interests.  In this relationship the female
not only has the time to take care of herself, but she has the means
and freedom to care about herself.  The fact just mentioned above,
will never make the relationship out of time.  


Many times, in the traditional relationship, the couple works so that
they would be able to thave a home and property.  They sacrifice
their life for the work they are doing, instead of working for their
fulfilment in the work they are doing.  They do this so that the girl
could become a housewife and she tries to be happy .  While the
couples are engaged to each other they live a threatened life and
they have a great fright every time the end of the month comes and
the female had not as yet had her period.  This fear will cause an
instability in the couple and also in society.  Other couples, who
are more passive, fall in great apathy, while waiting eagerly for the
day of their wedding; against their morality. 

Where there exists full equality, the relationship becomes more
dynamic.  The couple will continue discovering themselves and each
other in a systematic process, and they will not have to go through
the means for their ideals (e.g. making sex as to be able to make
love, spending money as  a means to find happiness).  The materialist
dialect bases itself on practice together with continued changes. 

 From studies made by British Social Attitudes Research and One Plus
One, these statistics were found:
a) The greatest amount of divorces in England happen five to nine
years after marriage
b) of the pleas for divorce where registered for from women, that is
only 28% where men.  
c) It is easier for a couple who had married at a young age to ask for

One can also notice that the majority of the females that ask for a
divorce were abused or violated by their husbands.  One understands
that for a woman to ask for a divorce, the violence done on her must
be considerable.  To the contrary, a high percentage amongst those
twenty-eight for cent of the males who ask for a divorce, do so,
because of those problems that we associate with men themselves.  We
can say that when the female goes out to work and she let's the
housework go, it may also be her fault.  In this patriarchal view,
there will exist a conflict which will disturb the  couple's piece. 


Perhaps there are not any two persons in the whole world who have the
exact idea about happiness.  One person could understand that
happiness is the opportunity to dedicate oneself to these vocations
without having to lose time on little everyday things while for
another he could not be happy without public activities.  Others
would like to obtain high material standards, good food and charming
clothes. Many are those who mention sports and love escapades.  A
relationship of total equality is a combination of these different
ideas about happiness.

Women are ready to work both outside and inside the home.  Many males
are also realising this.  Usually the males are the ones that are
afraid of total equality, especially the more violent or aggressive
males.  The female does not remain emotionally dependent on the male.
 It is absurd for a woman to be attracted to a violent man, who will
eventually make her life hell after they are married.  Feminism is
the only movement that represents all men and women together.  



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