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Thank you for reading this message.. I'll try to keep this as 
non-technical as possible (due to usenet jargon).

As some of you will remember a few months ago I proposed a new
moderated newsgroup which was to be called soc.culture.malta.
This was to have EXTREMELY GOOD PROPAGATION due to it being
part of the 'BIG' hierarchy soc.*, a large improvement on what
we have with alt.culture.malta at the moment. alt.culture.malta would
still remain, being unmoderated as it is now.

There was a discussion following the RFD (request for discussion).
The consensus was to go for the VOTING.

When the voting took place (through email), finally the results came

We just did not have enough votes to get the newsgroup created.
We needed more votes than we got.
The voting rules are complex to explain here, essentially the proposal
failed due to the voting results.

Folks, we need more support. First of all if you intend to vote
you must remember to vote *BEFORE* the closing date. If you
voted afterwards, that does not count! You must vote during the
voting period (NOT NOW!).

Perhaps we need to look at the proposal and see if it can be improved.

Do you have any suggestions?

A distinct possibility is to start soc.culture.malta in a different
manner, as a mailing list (SCMALTA-L perhaps). Perhaps I might link 
it with the Malta Network Resources Malta Forum to increase the user
base. So you could read messages using your web browser or through
email just the same. 

If this mailing list gets started, there will be a message posted here
and on the Malta Forum.

This way we build up established traffic - more of a reason for a
proposal for a new newsgroup rather than just words. However at the
end of the day, it is votes which will be needed.

Could some of you recruit some voters? :) That might help.


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